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P. Duley, D. Bairagi, L.R. Bairi, T. K. Bandyopadhyay and Sumantra Mandal, Effect of microstructural evolution and texture change on the in-vitro bio-corrosion behavior of hard-plate hot forged Mg-4Zn-0.5Ca-0.16Mn(wt%) alloy, Corrosion Science, 192(2021) 109860. Click to view

Hemanth Thota, R. Jeyaraam, Lipika Rani Bairi, Aditya Srinivasan Tirunilai, Alexandar Kuffmann, Jens Freudenberger, Martinn Heilmaier, Sumantra Mandal, Subramanya Sarma Vadlamani. Grain boundary engineering and its implications on corrosion behavior of equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 888(2021) 161500.Click to view

Yahya H. Mozumder, K. Arun Babu, Rajib Saha and Sumantra Mandal, Deformation mechanism and nano-scale interplay of dual precipitation during compressive deformation of a duplex lightweight steel at high strain rate, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 823(2021) 141725.
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P. Bhuyan, S.K. Pradhan, R. Mitra and Sumantra Mandal, Strain-induced microstructural evolution and its implication on high temperature hot corrosion (HTHC) phenomena in alloy 617, Materials Characterization, 178(2021) 111272.
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K. Arun Babu, T.S. Prithiv, Abhinav Gupta and Sumantra Mandal, Modeling and simulation of dynamic recrystallization in super austeniti stainless steeel employing combined cellular automation, artificial neural network and finite eleent method, Computational Materials Science, 195(2021) 110482.
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Pramod Kumar, G.S. Mahobia, Sumantra Mandal, V. Singh and Kausik Chattopadhyay, Enhanced corrosion resistance of the surface modified Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy by ultrasonic shot peening, Corrosion Science, (2021) 109597.
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P. Bhuyan, M. Paliwal, V. Subramanya Sarma, B. de Boer, R. Mitra and Sumantra Mandal, Precipitate evolution during aging and its individual role on high temperature hot corrosion response in Alloy 617, Journal of Alloy and Compunds, 871(2021) 159499.
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P. Duley, S. Sanyal, T. K. Bandyopadhyay, and Sumantra Mandal, Implications of annealing treatments on microstructure, texture, and tensile properties of hard plate hot forged Mg-Zn-Ca-Mn alloy, Materials Characterization, 172 (2021) 110885.
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A.K. Patra, C.N. Athreya, Sumantra Mandal, K.C. Hari Kumar, V.S. Sarma, High strength-high ductility medium Mn steel obtained through CALPHAD based alloy design and thermomechanical processing, Materials Science and Engineering: A, (2021) 140756.
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S. Sanyal, O.G. Gabhale, T.K. Bandyopadhyay, and Sumantra Mandal, Microstructural evolution and its implications on the mechanical properties during age hardening in Mg-1Al-0.28Ca-0.13Mn-0.05Si alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 861 (2021) 158540.
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S.K. Pradhan, P. Bhuyan, L.R. Bairi, and Sumantra Mandal, Comprehending the role of individual microstructural features on electrochemical response and passive film behaviour in type 304 austenitic stainless steel, Corrosion Science, 180 (2021) 109187.
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Darothi Bairagi, Munukuti Venkataramana, Pallabi Bhuyan, Rajib Saha, and Sumantra Mandal, Effect of spheroidized microstructure on the impact toughness and electrochemical performance of a high‐carbon steel, Materials and Corrosion, (2021).
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