Bonding to Achieve Strength

C.K. Kaithwas, P. Bhuyan, and Sumantra Mandal. "Assessing the potential of sparsely nucleated recrystallized grains to lead grain boundary engineering during extending annealing in alloy 600H." Materials Characterization (2020): 110538.

C.K. Kaithwas, P. Bhuyan, and Sumantra Mandal. "Assessing the potential of sparsely nucleated recrystallized grains to lead grain boundary engineering during extending annealing in alloy 600H." Materials Characterization (2020): 110538.

C.K. Kaithwas, P. Bhuyan, and Sumantra Mandal. "Assessing the potential of sparsely nucleated recrystallized grains to lead grain boundary engineering during extending annealing in alloy 600H." Materials Characterization (2020): 110538.

C.K. Kaithwas, P. Bhuyan, and Sumantra Mandal. "Assessing the potential of sparsely nucleated recrystallized grains to lead grain boundary engineering during extending annealing in alloy 600H." Materials Characterization (2020): 110538.

C.K. Kaithwas, P. Bhuyan, S. K. Pradhan, and Sumantra Mandal, Hall-Petch’type of relationship between the extent of intergranular corrosion and grain size in a Ni-based superalloy, Corrosion Science, 175 (2020) 108868.
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S. Sanyal, M. Paliwal, T.K. Bandyopadhyay and Sumantra Mandal, Evolution of microstructure, phases and mechanical properties in lean as-cast Mg–Al–Ca–Mn alloys under the influence of a wide range of Ca/Al ratio, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 800 (2020) 140322.
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Y.H. Mozumder, K. Arun Babu, R. Saha, V. Subramanya Sarma, and Sumantra Mandal, Dynamic microstructural evolution and recrystallization mechanism during hot deformation of intermetallic-hardened duplex lightweight steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 788 (2020) 139613.
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P. Duley, S. Sanyal, T. K. Bandyopadhyay, and Sumantra Mandal, Implications of grain size distribution, precipitate evolution and texture development on tensile properties in hard plate hot forged and annealed Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 784 (2020) 139288.
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P. Bhuyan, K. V. Reddy, S. K. Pradhan, Snehanshu Pal, R. Mitra, and Sumantra Mandal, A potential insight into the serration behaviour of Σ3n (n≤ 3) boundaries in Alloy 617, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 248 (2020) 122919.
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K. Arun Babu, C. N. Athreya, Y. H. Mozumder, V. Subramanya Sarma, and Sumantra Mandal, A Comprehensive Study on Texture Development and Twin-Related Domain Evolution Following Hot Compression in a Super Austenitic Stainless Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, (2020) 1-17.
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A. Sarkar, S. Sanyal, T.K. Bandyopadhyay and Sumantra Mandal, Implications of microstructure, Taylor factor distribution and texture on tensile properties in a Ti-added Fe-Mn-Al-Si-C steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 767 (2019) 138402.
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S.K. Pradhan, P. Bhuyan and Sumantra Mandal, Influence of the individual microstructural features on pitting corrosion in type 304 austenitic stainless steel, Corrosion Science, 158 (2019) 108091.
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S. Sanyal, S. Kanodia, R. Saha, T. K. Bandyopadhyay, and Sumantra Mandal, Influence of hard plate hot forging temperature on the microstructure, texture and mechanical properties in a lean Mg–Zn–Al alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2019), in press.
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C.N. Athreya, K. Deepak, Dong-lk Kim, Boer, Sumantra Mandal, V. Subramanya Sarma, Role of grain boundary engineered microstructure on high temperature steam oxidation behaviour of Ni based superalloy alloy 617, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 778 (2019) 224-233.
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P. Bhuyan, S.K. Pradhan, Rahul Mitra and Sumantra Mandal, Evaluating the efficiency of grain boundary serrations in attenuating high temperature hot corrosion degradation in Alloy 617, Corrosion Science, 149 (2019) 164-177.
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A. Sarkar, S. Sanyal, T.K. Bandyopadhyay and Sumantra Mandal, Recrystallization behavior and tensile properties of Al-added medium-Mn-steel at different deformation-annealing conditions, Materials Science and Technology, (2019) 1-15.
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P. Duley, S. Sanyal, T.K. Bandyopadhyay and Sumantra Mandal, Homogenization-induced age-hardening behavior and room temperature mechanical properties of Mg-4Zn-0.5Ca-0.16Mn (wt%) alloy, Materials & Design, 164 (2019) 107554.
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Y.H. Mozumder, K. Arun Babu, R. Saha, and Sumantra Mandal, Flow characteristics and hot workability studies of a Ni-containing Fe-Mn-Al-C lightweight duplex steel, Materials Characterization, 146 (2018) 1-14.
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C.K. Kaithwas, P. Bhuyan, S.K. Pradhan and Sumantra Mandal, Microstructure evolution during low-strain thermo-mechanical processing and its repercussion on intergranular corrosion in alloy 600H, Materials Characterization, 145 (2018) 582-593.
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K. Arun Babu, Y.H. Mozumder. R. Saha, V.S. Sarma and Sumantra Mandal, Hot-workability of super-304H exhibiting continuous to discontinuous dynamic recrystallization transition, Materials Science and Engineering A, 734 (2018) 269-280.
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D. An, T. A. Griffiths, P. Konijnenberg, Sumantra Mandal, Z. Wang, S. Zaefferer, Correlating the five parameter grain boundary character distribution and the intergranular corrosion behaviour of a stainless steel using 3D orientation microscopy based on mechanical polishing serial sectioning, Acta Materialia, 156 (2018) 297-309.
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S. Roy, S. Biswas, K. A. Babu, Sumantra Mandal, Phenomenological constitutive modeling of high-temperature flow behavior incorporating individual and coupled effects of processing parameters in super-austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2018) 1-11.
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N. Kisku, A. Sarkar, K. K. Ray, Sumantra Mandal, Development and characterization of a novel Ti-modified high-Si medium-Mn steel possessing ultra-high strength and reasonable ductility after hot rolling, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,27 (2018) 4077–4089.
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S. K. Pradhan, P. Bhuyan, C. Kaithwas, Sumantra Mandal, Strain-Annealing Based Grain Boundary Engineering to Evaluate its Sole Implication on Intergranular Corrosion in Extra-Low Carbon Type 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49 (2018) 2817-2831.
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S. K. Pradhan, P. Bhuyan, Sumantra Mandal, Individual and synergistic influences of microstructural features on intergranular corrosion behavior in extra-low carbon type 304L austenitic stainless steel, Corrosion Science, 139 (2018) 319-332.
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T. S. Prithiv, P. Bhuyan, S. K. Pradhan, V. S. Sarma, Sumantra Mandal, A critical evaluation on efficacy of recrystallization vs. strain induced boundary migration in achieving grain boundary engineered microstructure in a Ni-base superalloy, Acta Materialia, 146 (2018) 187-201.
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C. Prasad, P. Bhuyan, C. Kaithwas, R. Saha, Sumantra Mandal, Microstructure engineering by dispersing nano-spheroid cementite in ultra-fine grained ferrite and its implications on strength-ductility relationships in high carbon steel, Materials & Design, 139 (2018) 324-335.
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A. Sarkar, S. Sanyal, T. K. Bandyopadhyay, Sumantra Mandal, Influence of annealing parameters on phase evolution and recrystallisation kinetics of a Mn-Al-Si alloyed duplex steel, Materials Characterization, 134 (2017) 213-224.
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S.K. Pradhan, T. S. Prithiv, Sumantra Mandal, Through-thickness microstructural evolution during grain boundary engineering type thermomechanical processing and its implication on sensitization behavior in austenitic stainless steel, Materials Characterization, 134 (2017) 134-142.
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A. Sarkar, S. Sanyal, T. K. Bandyopadhyay, Sumantra Mandal, Enhanced strength-ductility relationship in a medium Mn high Al-alloyed multicomponent steel through thermomechanical processing, Materials Science and Engineering A, 703 (2017) 205-213.
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K. A. Babu, Sumantra Mandal, Regression based novel constitutive analyses to predict high temperature flow behavior in super austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 703 (2017) 187-195.
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S.K. Pradhan, Sumantra Mandal, C.N. Athreya, K. A. Babu, B. de Boer, V. S. Sarma, Influence of processing parameters on dynamic recrystallization and the associated annealing twin boundary evolution in a nickel base superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 700 (2017) 49-58
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S. Goyal, Sumantra Mandal, P. Parameswaran, R. Sandhya, C.N. Athreya, K. Laha, A comparative assessment of fatigue deformation behavior of 316 LN SS at ambient and high temperature, Materials Science and Engineering A, 696 (2017) 407-415.
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K. A. Babu, Sumantra Mandal, C.N. Athreya, B. Shakthipriya, V. S. Sarma, Hot deformation characteristics and processing map of a phosphorous modified super austenitic stainless steel, Materials & Design, 115 (2017) 262-275
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K. Deepak, Sumantra Mandal, C.N. Athreya, D.I. Kim, B. de Boer, V.S. Sarma, Implication of grain boundary engineering on high temperature hot corrosion of alloy 617, Corrosion Science, 106 (2016) 293-297
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K. A. Babu, Sumantra Mandal, A. Kumar, C.N. Athreya, B. de Boer, V.S. Sarma, Characterization of hot deformation behavior of alloy 617 through kinetic analysis, dynamic material modeling and microstructural studies, Materials Science and Engineering A, 664(2016) 177-187.
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H. Zhang, K.G. Pradeep, Sumantra Mandal, D. Ponge, H. Springer, D. Raabe, Dynamic strain-induced transformation: An atomic scale investigation, Scripta Materialia, 109 (2015) 23-27.
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K. Shyam Swaroop, Sumantra Mandal, C.N. Athreya, B. de Boer, V.S. Sarma, Role of carbide precipitates and process parameters on achieving grain boundary engineered microstructure in alloy 617 in a Ni-Based Superalloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46 (2015) 4740-4754.
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More Publications
H. Zhang, K.G. Pradeep, Sumantra Mandal, D. Ponge and D. Raabe, New insights into the austenitization process of low-alloyed hypereutectoid steels: Nucleation analysis on strain-induced austenite transformation, Acta Materialia, 80 (2014) 296-308.
Sumantra Mandal, M. Jayalakshmi, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, Effect of strain rate on dynamic recrystallization behaviour in a nitrogen enhanced 316L(N), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45 (2014) 5645-5656. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, K.G. Pradeep, S. Zaefferer and D. Raabe, A novel approach to measure grain boundary segregation in bulk polycrystalline materials in dependence of the boundaries’ five rotational degrees of freedom, Scripta Materialia, 81 (2014) 16-19. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, M. Jayalakshmi, C.N. Athreya, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, New insight into the relationships between dynamic softening phenomena and efficiency of hot working domains of a nitrogen enhanced 316L(N) stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A 598 (2014) 368-375. Click to view
H. Zhang, K.G. Pradeep, Sumantra Mandal, D. Ponge, P. Choi, C.C Tasan and D. Raabe, Enhanced superplasticity in an Al-alloyed multicomponent Mn-Si-Cr-C steel, Acta Materialia, 63 (2014) 232-244. Click to view
A.K. Bhaduri, D. Samantaray and Sumantra Mandal, Thermo-mechanical processing and process modeling of power plant materials, International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 2 (2013) 85-91. Click to view
D. Samantaray, C. Phaniraj, A.K. Bhuduri, Sumantra Mandal and S.K. Albert, Resisting stress for constitutive analysis in modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 560 (2013) 170 - 177. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, Vinod Kumar, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri and T. Jayakumar, Optimization of processing parameters based on high temperature flow behavior and microstructural evolution of a nitrogen enhanced 316L(N) stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 552 (2012) 236 – 244. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri and T. Jayakumar, Thermally activated deformation of a high-nitrogen grade 316L(N) stainless steel under compressive loading, Materials Science Forum, 710 (2012) 477 – 482. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, Origin and role of S3 boundaries during thermo-mechanical processing of a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012) 714-717. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, Influence of state-of-stress on dynamic recrystallization in a Ti modified austenitic stainless steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) 410 – 414. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, Role of twinning on dynamic recrystallization and microstructure during moderate to high strain rate hot deformation of a Ti modified austenitic stainless steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43 (2012) 2056 -2068. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri, Baldev Raj and V.S. Sarma, Dynamic recrystallization during isothermal hot deformation in a titanium modified austenitic stainless steel Materials Science Forum, 715-716 (2012) 140-145. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, C. Phaniraj and A.K. Bhaduri, Flow behaviour and microstructural evolution during hot deformation of AISI Type 316L(N) austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011) 8565 – 8572.
C. Phaniraj, Dipti Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, A new relationship between the stress multipliers of Garofalo equation for constitutive analysis of hot deformation in modified 9Cr–1Mo (P91) steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011) 6066–6071. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, Optimization of hot working parameters for thermo-mechanical processing of modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steel employing Dynamic Materials Model, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011) 5204 - 5211. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, A critical comparison of various data processing methods in simple uni-axial compression testing, Materials & Design, 32 (2011) 2797 – 2802. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri, S. Venugopal and P.V. Sivaprasad, Analysis and mathematical modeling of elevated temperature flow behaviour of austenitic stainless steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011) 1937 – 1943.
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, One-step and iterative thermo-mechanical treatments to enhance Σ3n boundaries in a titanium-modified austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Materials Science, 46 (2011) 275 – 284. Click to view
D. Samantaray, C. Phaniraj, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, Strain dependent rate equation to predict elevated temperature flow behaviour of modified 9Cr–1Mo (P91) steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011) 1071 – 1077. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, A study on microstructural evolution and dynamic recrystallization during isothermal deformation of a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 42 (2011) 1062 - 1072. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, Characterization of deformation instability in modified 9Cr-1Mo steel during thermo-mechanical processing, Materials & Design, 32 (2011) 716–722. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, Grain boundary engineering in alloy D9 through thermo-mechanical processing: influence of process variables and aspects of micro-mechanisms, Int. Journal of Advances in Eng Sciences and Applied Math., 2 (2010) 149 – 160. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and P.V. Sivaprasad, An overview on constitutive modelling to predict elevated temperature flow behaviour of fast reactor structural materials, Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 63 (2010) 823–831. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, Constitutive analysis to predict high temperature flow stress in modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steel, Materials & Design, 31 (2010) 981–984. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and V.S. Sarma, Dynamic recrystallization in a Ti modified austenitic stainless steel during high strain rate deformation, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25 (2010) 54-59. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, A comparative study on Johnson-Cook, modified Zerilli-Armstrong and Arrhenius type constitutive model to predict elevated temperature flow behaviour in modified 9Cr-1Mo steel, Computational Materials Science, 47 (2009) 568–576. Click to view
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, U. Borah, A.K. Bhaduri and P.V. Sivaprasad, A thermo-viscoplastic constitutive model to predict elevated temperature flow behaviour in a titanium modified austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 526 (2009) 1–6. Click to view
K.V.S. Ramana, T. Anita, Sumantra Mandal, S. Kaliappan, H. Shaikh, P.V. Sivaprasad, R.K. Dayal and H.S. Khatak, Effect of different environmental parameters on the pitting behavior of AISI Type 316L stainless steel: Experimental studies and neural network modeling, Materials & Design, 30 (2009) 3770 – 3775. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A.K. Bhaduri and V.S. Sarma, Studies on twinning and grain boundary character distribution during anomalous grain growth in a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 515 (2009) 134 – 140. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, V. Rakesh, P.V. Sivaprasad, S. Venugopal and K.V. Kasiviswanathan, Constitutive equations to predict high temperature flow stress in a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 500 (2009) 114 – 121.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, P. Barat and Baldev Raj, An overview of neural network based modeling in alloy design and thermo-mechanical processing of austenitic stainless steels, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 (2009) 219 – 224. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, S. Venugopal and K.P.N. Murthy, Artificial neural network modeling to evaluate and predict the deformation behavior of stainless steel type AISI 304L during hot torsion, Applied Soft Computing, 24 (2009) 219 – 224. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, S.K. Mishra, A. Kumar, I. Samajdar, P.V. Sivaprasad, T. Jayakumar and Baldev Raj, Evolution and characterization of dynamically recrystallized microstructure in a Ti modified austenitic stainless steel using ultrasonic and EBSD techniques, Philosophical Magazine, 88 (2008) 883 – 897. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, Baldev Raj and V.S. Sarma, Grain boundary microstructural control through thermo-mechanical processing in a Titanium modified austenitic stainless steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 39 (2008) 3298 – 307. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, S. Venugopal, K.P.N. Murthy and Baldev Raj, Artificial neural network modeling of composition – process – property correlations in austenitic stainless steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 485 (2008) 571 – 580. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and R.K. Dube, Modeling microstructural evolution during dynamic recrystallization of Alloy D9 using artificial neural network, Journal of Materials Engineering & Performances, 16 (2007) 672-679. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and R.K. Dube, Kinetics, mechanism and modeling of microstructural evolution during thermo-mechanical processing of a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Materials Science, 42 (2007) 2724-2734. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, A. Kumar, P.V. Sivaprasad, T. Jayakumar and Baldev Raj, Characterization of microstructural evolution during thermo-mechanical processing of a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel using ultrasonic measurements, Materials Science and Technology, 23 (2007) 1381-1386. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and S. Venugopal, Capability of a feed-forward artificial neural network to predict the constitutive flow behavior of as cast 304 stainless steel under hot deformation, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (Transaction of the ASME), 129 (2007) 242-247. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, R.K. Dube and Baldev Raj, Kinetics, mechanism and modeling of microstructural evolution during dynamic recrystallization of a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel, Materials Science Forum, 550 (2007) 601-606. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, S. Venugopal, K.P.N. Murthy, Constitutive flow behavior of austenitic stainless steels under hot deformation: Artificial neural network modeling to understand, evaluate and predict, Modelling and Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 14 (2006) 1053 -1070. Click to view
P.V. Sivaprasad, Sumantra Mandal, S. Venugopal, C. Narayanan, V. Shanmugam and Baldev Raj, Artificial neural network modeling of the tensile properties of indigenously developed 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel, Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 59 (2006) 437 – 445. Click to view
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, K.P.N. Murthy and Baldev Raj, Modeling the hot deformation behavior of a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel using artificial neural network, Metals Materials and Processes, 18 (2006)159-170. Click to view
Conference Proceedings
Sumantra Mandal, V. Maduraimuthu, R. Nagarajan, S. Venugopal, P.V. Sivaprasad and R.K. Dube, Grain size prediction in 15Cr-15Ni-2.3Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel during thermo-mechanical processing using Artificial Neural Network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Thermo-Mechanical Simulation and Processing of Steels (SimPro’04) at Ranchi, India, September 2004, 99-105.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and R.K. Dube, Hot working and modelling of the resulting microstructure of D9 stainless steel using artificial neural network, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Research Students (ISRS-2004) on Material Science and Engineering at IIT Chennai, India, December 2004.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, K.P.N. Murthy and Baldev Raj, Modeling constitutive behaviour of a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel under hot compression using artificial neural network, Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Plasticity and Related Instabilities at IISC Bangalore, India, August 2005, POS(SMPRI 2005)059.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and S. Venugopal, Prediction of flow stress of austenitic stainless steels under hot compression using artificial neural network, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in Materials Science and Engineering (NGMS-2006) at BESU Shibpur, India, January 2006, 425-438.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, S. Venugopal and K.P.N. Murthy, Capability of a feed-forward artificial neural network to predict constitutive behaviour of type 304L stainless steel during hot torsion, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in Materials Science and Engineering (NGMS-2006) at BESU Shibpur, India, January 2006, 370-384.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad and K.P.N. Murthy, Modelling the correlation between chemical composition and tensile properties in a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel using artificial neural network, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in Materials Science and Engineering (NGMS-2006) at BESU Shibpur, India, January 2006, 385-396.
Sumantra Mandal, V.S. Sarma, V. Maduraimuthu and P.V. Sivaprasad, Optimization of grain boundary character distribution in a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-Ti modified austenitic stainless steel through thermo-mechanical processing: Grain boundary engineering approach, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Research Scholars (ISRS-2006) on Material Science and Engineering at IIT Chennai, India, December 2006, 129-134.
D. Samantaray, U. Borah, Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, I. Samajdar, and T. Jayakumar, Finite element simulation of coupled thermo-mechanical hot upsetting process of alloy D9, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT- 2008) at IIT Chennai, India, February 2008.
Sumantra Mandal, P.V. Sivaprasad, Baldev Raj and V.S. Sarma, Characterization of hot deformed microstructure in a Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel, Proceedings of the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition at San Francisco, USA, February 16 -19, 2009, 167 -174.
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal, C. Phaniraj and A.K. Bhaduri, Flow behaviour and microstructural evolution during thermo–mechanical processing of 316L(N) austenitic stainless steel. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Indian Nuclear Society (INSAC 20), Chennai, India, January 2010, 913 – 919.
Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar, A.K. Bhaduri and Sumantra Mandal, Development of materials and manufacturing technologies for Indian fast reactor programme, Proceedings of the 9th Liège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering at Liège, Belgium, September 2010.
D. Samantaray, Sumantra Mandal and A.K. Bhaduri, Characterization of intrinsic workability of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel during warm and hot working: A study using Dynamic Materials Model approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on World class Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Mumbai, March 2011.
S.K. Pradhan and Sumantra Mandal, Grain boundary character modification employing thermo-mechanical processing in type 304L stainless steel, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 115 (2016) 012032.