Bonding to Achieve Strength

Hot Deformation and Workability Studies
Hot working is widely employed in the manufacturing of complex shaped metallic products in various industries. The reduction of power requirements for hot working has been an important concern in the modern world. In the current scenario most of the modern industries are focused on implementing advanced forming techniques and tailoring the microstructures for optimizing the power efficiency during processing. In certain temperatures and strain rates, the possible work hardening during plastic deformation is reduced by concurrent softening mechanisms such as dynamic recovery or dynamic recrystallization. This process helps to reduce forming load/power requirements associated with hot working. Additionally, the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization provides better efficiency and good ductility which further prevents material from failure during hot working. Towards that our group aims to conduct hot working employing physical simulation at various deformation conditions. Further the structural features are studied at different processing domains incorporated with different characterization facilities such as Electron Back Scattered diffraction, Transmission electron microscopy etc. We have experienced in working with wide variety of metals including Magnesium, Titanium , Ferritic steels, Super austenitic stainless steels etc.
Recent Publications
S Mandal et al. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42 (4), 1062-1072. (Click to view)
S Mandal et al. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (12), 5645-5656. (Click to view)
KA Babu et al. Materials Science and Engineering: A 664, 177-187. (Click to view)
D Samantaray et al. Materials Science and Engineering: A 552, 236-244. (Click to view)